Band Mood: Life is good—confusing, but good. Happy jams that make you think.

Inspired by the post-punk epoch of the '70s and ‘80s, Bad Suns has a distinct sound that uplifts the soul. I first discovered the band from one of the more popular songs, “Cardiac Arrest.” Strong hi-hat beats, a consistent tambourine, and a solid electric groove—the song made me want to roll down the windows and drive off into an eternal sunset.
To me, Bad Suns is a revival of the rock n’ roll thought to be extinct. The LA band strays from typical So-Cal sounds... in the best way possible. I recommend checking out the music video for “Salt,” a beautifully choreographed narrative about understanding one's identity.
Sounds: To put it simply, this playlist makes my ears and soul happy. The songs aren’t ones that require a deep listen, nor are they boring and repetitious. It’s a mix of happy listens, songs that get you through the week without evoking wild dance moves or tears. Although I love some head-banging EDM, I ditched the wubs for a chicken-soup-for-the-ears playlist.